SICIS - Elisyan Bath Collection


Descrizione / Description

Struttura box doccia in vetro decorato o vetro trasparente per installazione ad angolo. Shower enclosure structure in decorated glass or clear glass for corner installation.

Doccia PURITY-NICCHIA 4 Parete fissa da 90, 100, 120, 140 cm

Doccia PURITY-NICCHIA 1 Parete fissa + Porta a battente da 100, 120, 140, 160 cm

Doccia PURITY-NICCHIA 2 Porta battente + parete fissa da 100, 120, 140, 160 cm

Doccia PURITY-NICCHIA 3 Porta battente da 65, 70, 80, 90 cm

Shower PURITY-NICCHIA 4 Fixed wall 35 3/8 ", 39 3/8 ", 47 1/4 ", 55 1/8 "

Shower PURITY-NICCHIA 1 Fixed wall + Hinged door 39 3/8 ", 47 1/4 ", 55 1/8 ", 63”

Shower PURITY-NICCHIA 2 Fixed wall + Hinged door 39 3/8 ", 47 1/4 ", 55 1/8 ", 63”

Shower PURITY-NICCHIA 3 Hinged door 25 5/8 ", 27 1/2 ", 31 1/2 ", 35 3/8 "



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